Sunday, February 18, 2007

Book Review: Applications = Code + Markup

Applications = Code + Markup
By Charles Petzold

I know that a large percentage of my readers are software developers, so I thought it was about time I reviewed a programmers book.

Charles Petzold is the programmers author. His writing has taught hosts of developers how to build Windows applications. Most of my initial Windows programming knowledge came from Charles’ original Programming Windows books. I have been fortunate enough to meet Charles and learn that he sees himself first as an author not a programmer. This should be apparent to anyone who reads his books, he writes with style, flow and panache. His books are easy to read and stand out in the vast wasteland of badly written technical books.

I give this book 9 out of 10

Full review here

1 comment:

Gabriel Gonzalez said...

I really enjoy your book reviews but... how many time a week you spend reading?! You seem to read quite fast :D