Saturday, May 20, 2006

Dr. Neil's Notes 11

Welcome to Show 11

Back in Sydney, Australia
MEDC Las Vegas - great event fantastic community led content over 50% sessions
MEDC Melbourne next week
New Keyboard with display the Logitech G15 - awesome

Videocast? interested?

Vista touchdown - learn to use the new features in Vista in your application

TechEd USA - Sharing assets between .NET CF and .NET full and Building apps that run on SP and PPC

What do you want on this show?

Happy coding

Monday, May 08, 2006

Conference Season is here

I have just landed in Las Vegas for MEDC. The pre-conference sessions start tomorrow morning. There are crew running around getting the rooms ready, laying cables, setting up the wireless network and moving furniture around. The speakers are all in hiding no doubt putting the finishing touches to their powerpoint slides.

I am sitting in the speaker room getting some things finished and checking through my mail, even during the weekends it seems to pile up.

Meanwhile downunder my good friend Uber Tablet Geek Hugo Ortega is getting set up for CeBit Australia in Sydney.
Not only is Hugo going to be at CeBit (I expect showing off Tablet PCs) but he is the official CeBit Australia blogger!
Way to go Hugo.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

MEDC Australia - Mike Hall beat me

That Mike Hall is so quick off the draw. He beat me to be the first to announce the speakers at MEDC Australia on May 25th.
My last PodCast covered off the content in the Windows Mobile track, you can find out more from the event website.
The speak line up is awesome, it includes 2 (count them) .NET doctors and a professor of embedded systems - what more could you want?

Mike Hall thinks it will be a hoot, whatever that means!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Dinner Conversations

Last night I went over to my friends Lisa and Terry for dinner. The food was amazing, Lisa goes to a special effort when I go over for food, I never complain :)
We talked about SciFi, politics, environment and a heap of other interesting topics.
One of the topics we discussed was DNA and genetics, as an avid reader I ussually suggest some books that have not been read by everyone around the table.
My recommended reading for last night was: